1月15日発売!/『Sea Dream』37号「南仏の夏を彩るヨットの祭典」


海のライフスタイルマガジン『Sea Dream』の37号が、1月15日(月)に発売されました。今回は南フランス コート・ダジュールにあるリゾートタウン、サン・トロペで開催されたヨットの祭典「Le Voile de Saint Tropez(レ・ボアル・ドゥ・サン・トロペ)」を大特集。

The 37th issue of "Sea Dream", marine lifestyle magazine, is featuring "Les Voiles de Saint Tropez," the world-famous late summer yacht gathering for sailors held annually in the heart of the C?te d'Azur resort, Saint Tropez.


"Voiles" means "sails" in French. The event, originally known as "La Nioulargue," has been held since 1983, and last year marked the 40th anniversary.
The event started out as a match race between the PRIDE (Swan 44), which at the time was sweeping the European races from the U.S., and IKRA, the locally owned 12m class yacht. 
Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez attracts about 250 yachts of various sizes and classes every year celebrating the end of the summer yachting season.



The feature article introduces this spectacular event and stories of the participating boats, as well as the background of French sailing culture, history, and art, worth reading with beautiful photographs.



Tsuneo Imai, a sailing ship expert, reports in detail about his experience aboard the Royal Clipper, a luxury cruise ship and one of the world's largest sailing vessels.



Yachting life of Masataka Kubo, chairman of electronics retailer EDION



On-board report from the Norwegian sail training ship “Statsraad Lehmkuhl”, the oldest sail training ship crossing the North Sea.


艇紹介は昨年10月に日本に来航した全長46メートルのスーパーヨット〈APRIES W〉のほか、サンシーカー65スポーツヨット、アブソルート52フライ、バリ4.4を収載。その他、クラブ・イン・マガジン『Sea Dream Club』コーナーでは作家の松山猛氏のエッセイ、英国人園芸家ポール・スミザー氏の日本における園芸活動や音響の世界のプロフェッショナル、浅賀達也氏の“音の世界”など、先進的な文化人を紹介するなど、情報満載でお届けします。

New boat review talks about the 46-meter superyacht “APRIES W” that stopped in Japan last October, as well as Sunseeker’s 65 sport yacht, Absolute 52 Fly, and Bali 4.4.
In the "Sea Dream Club", you will find an essay by renowned writer Takeshi Matsuyama, excellent articles by British horticulturist Paul Smither on his horticultural activities in Japan and by the sound professional Tatsuya Asaga on “the world of sound”.
The "Sea Dream Club" is packed with information on variety of topics, and the stories of leading cultural figures. 


(文=Sea Dream編集長/田久保雅己 text by Masami Takubo, Editor in Chief)


■Sea Dream 37号 








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